Muzika / Festivali
#RadioBattle: Slovenia is going to semi-finals
Sunday evening was on Twitter again all about Radio battle! Slovenian radio Val 202 won the quarterfinals against Radio San Marino. If you followed tweetdeck of both hashtags #RadioBattleSI and #RadioBattleSM, it could be concluded that Slovenia is going to win, because their fans were awesome and really fast typers.
It was the last quarterfinals battle and Radio San Marino is now out of the competiton. Their well known radio host pair Lia Fiorio and Chicco Giuliani tryed to amuse their fans, but Slovenian host Andrej Karoli was well prepared for the battle, and his fans couldn‘t wait to vote.
First semi-final battle will be on next Sunday 3rd April between O radio and Armenian Armradio. Slovenian Val 202 will compete with Letonian Radio 5.