Muzika / Festivali
#RadioBattle: O radio is battling Slovenia in finals
Second semifinals of Radio battle ended with victory of Slovenian radio station Val202! We are going to meet Slovenians next week in Florence, and you have to work hard so we win!

Even though Latvia was a favourite, because of their 40.000 tweets last year in finals, Slovenian representatives managed to entertain their audience with 27.000 tweets and win the battle against the last year champions. Of course, support from people of ex-Yugoslavian region was very helpful too!
The atmosphere during the competition was awesome – radio hosts from both countries were not only competing with their music, but also with charm. From time to time people were even leaving ther Twitter accounts to dance! The most funny song was about a cat, KW Griff ft. Porkchop - Bring in the Katz, because it made every person on Twitter to post a picture, gif or a video of a cat.
O radio is the first finalist of Radio battle, because last week Armenia dropped the competiton because of the conflict in the region of Nagorno Karabakh.
Finale of this years Radio battle will be held next Sunday in Florence and our team is preparing for the event. You can vote for O radio with #RadioBattleRS, but you will hear a lot more about the competition during next few days.
P. N./J. Ž.